Recipe for healing and awakening:
breathe in the inherent wisdom and inspiration of natural beauty.
Appreciation of Nature as an essential part of the therapeutic process.
I spent many years of my childhood surrounded by the majesty and immensity of wild Alaskan mountains, rivers, and glaciers. That formative experience has given me a lifelong devotion to natural beauty and the intelligence found woven throughout planetary ecosystems. After many years of fully engaged urban living in Los Angeles, I have found spending time in unspoiled rural settings to be profoundly inspiring for my own growth, and a wonderful new influence in my work with clients.
I enthusiastically encourage you to immerse yourself in Nature as much as possible. That may be studying the intricate leaf patterns of your favorite houseplant, looking up at the full moon, or hiking into the Grand Canyon. If possible, find a shady spot where you can slow down and observe and feel into the remarkable symphonic rhythms and patterns of the natural world. Many different emotions, thoughts, and anxieties may arise at first, but consider allowing Mother Earth to hold you in her full embrace, and resist the urge to “figure it all out.” I find that when I stop thinking, analyzing, and ruminating, I have more energy and receptivity for admiring Gaia’s glorious self-expression in all of her geological and biological diversity. This process can lead to a release of worry and stress, and a delightful feeling of true emotional freedom. I am excited to support your expeditions both small and large into Nature, and am happy to share everything I’ve learned about the process.
Our bodies are also part of nature. Healthy eating and exercise are essential for healing.
As organic creatures, we emerge and evolve from earth’s ecosystem just like all other animals. Thus, appreciation of Nature begins with regular care for our own bodies. I have been practicing healthy eating and physical fitness for many years, staying current with the latest scientific research. This activity has been the foundation for my own psychological healing and growth, and I am eager to share my knowledge and experience around diet and exercise to help you love your body and feel great.